Questions regarding awards/awards nominations may be forwarded to Sylvie Nguyen-Fawley.
Questions regarding Fellow Member nominations may be forwarded to Tim Manicom.
Alaa Elwany, an associate professor of industrial and systems engineering at Texas A&M University, joined the faculty in 2013 after three years as a research scientist at General Motors Global R&D. He received his Ph.D. in industrial and systems engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology in 2009 and bachelor’s and master’s degrees in production manufacturing from Alexandria University in Egypt in 2002 and 2004, respectively. His research focuses on the modeling, analysis, and control of advanced manufacturing processes and systems, with particular emphasis on metal additive manufacturing, commonly known as 3-D printing. The author of 50 journal and refereed conference papers, including an IEEE Best Paper award winner, he has generated research funding through grants in excess of $4 million from federal agencies and industrial organizations, including NSF, NASA, and the U.S. Department of Defense.
About the award
This award recognizes an individual who has made outstanding contributions in the field of industrial engineering education and demonstrated global cooperation and understanding through leadership and other initiatives. An engineering educator for more than 50 years, John L. Imhoff thrived on the global impact potential of the industrial engineering discipline. His vision encompassed the undergraduate, graduate, and teaching levels. He believed that global sharing through educational channels would lead to greater cooperation and understanding. He was very committed to students within the classroom and was passionate about professional student organizations as well as faculty involvement within those organizations. He encouraged students to travel abroad on work/study programs and to take summer jobs abroad; and he encouraged faculty to bring in speakers who had worked abroad to share their experiences.