Questions regarding awards/awards nominations may be forwarded to Sylvie Nguyen-Fawley.
Questions regarding Fellow Member nominations may be forwarded to Tim Manicom.
Brian A. Burt is an assistant professor of higher education in the Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis (ELPA) program at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. He also serves as a research scientist in the Wisconsin Equity and Inclusion Laboratory (Wei LAB). Burt received the National Science Foundation’s CAREER Award and the National Academy of Education/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship. He uses qualitative methodological approaches to study the experience of graduate students and the institutional policies and practices that influence students’ pathways. His current research falls into two strands: understanding team-based research experiences and exploring the experiences of underrepresented graduate students of color in engineering. Through his work, Burt seeks to provide new ways to understand science participation and the experiences that might attract students to or turn them away from science pathways.
About the award
This award, sponsored by the Journal of Engineering Education editorial review board, recognizes the author(s) of the best paper published in ASEE’s scholarly research journal during the previous January to October. It is named in honor of the distinguished engineer, educator, philosopher, administrator, and humanitarian who throughout his career devoted himself to the personal and professional development of younger members of the engineering fraternity. His wisdom and leadership so infused the monumental “Report of the Investigation of Engineering Education, 1923–1929” that it has been popularly referred to as the Wickenden Report ever since. His publication, The Second Mile, has helped thousands of young engineers form a sound conception of engineering as a career.