Robert G. Quinn Award

Questions regarding awards/awards nominations may be forwarded to Sylvie Nguyen-Fawley.

Questions regarding Fellow Member nominations may be forwarded to Tim Manicom.

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About the award

The Robert G. Quinn Award recognizes outstanding contributions in experimentation and laboratory instruction. It is named for the legendary professor of electrical and computer engineering who established Drexel University’s highly successful and innovative engineering curriculum. Quinn served on the National Advisory Panel for the Space Shuttle, as a consultant to NASA’s manned space missions, and as an adviser to government agencies, business, and industry. His research at Drexel focused on undergraduate curriculum development, including directing a major educational experiment funded by the National Science Foundation known as E4, or “An Enhanced Educational Experience for Engineering Students.” This highly successful program evolved into the Drexel engineering curriculum, and many of its key features were emulated internationally in dozens of universities.
The award consists of a $5,000 honorarium and an inscribed plaque.